- Skyrim Destroy Daedric Artifacts Mod
- Skyrim Daedric Artifacts Mod Ps4
- Skyrim Daedric Quests
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Skyrim Destroy Daedric Artifacts Mod
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Skyrim Daedric Artifacts Mod Ps4
- RELATED: The 10 Best Skyrim Mods That Are Popular With Fans. You acquire this powerful daedric weapon from 'The Cursed Tribe' quest. This warhammer comes from the daedric prince Malacath, commonly worshiped by the Orcs and other physically powerful races. 3 Worst: Rueful Axe.
- While Skyrim already has quite a number of daedric artifacts for the player to obtain, I thought why not add more from past games? This mod introduces 41 new items into the game, scattered throughout Skyrim and Solstheim, and a book that details their locations. Obtain the book and begin your quest to seek out these mythical artifacts.
- Feb 15, 2012.
As far as I know you can't disenchant things without destroying them, I'm not aware of any mod that lets you. Best you could hope for, I think, would be a mod that gives you an extra item with the same enchants on it, which.can. be destroyed and the enchantments put on other items (this is another issue - some things you disenchant them and then you can't actually enchant anything with that.
Daedric Artifact: Dawnbreaker (0004e4ee) (lore page) |
Type |
Editor ID | DA09Dawnbreaker |
Statistics |
Damage | 12 |
Speed | 1 | Reach | 1 |
Weight | 10 | Value | 740 |
Tempering | Ebony Ingot | Perk | None (See Bugs) |
Enchantment |
Burns for 10 points, and when killing undead, a chance to cause a firey [sic]explosion that turns or destroys nearby undead:- Meridia's Retribution, 1 pt for 10 secs
- Fire Damage, 10 pts
Charge/Cost = Uses | 5000/16=312 |
Dawnbreaker View storage on mac. is a Daedric artifact given as a reward by Meridia upon the completion of her quest, The Break of Dawn. It can be improved using an ebony ingot. As well as dealing ten points of fire damage on every strike, Dawnbreaker has a chance to create a fiery explosion upon defeating undead. Any undead caught within the blast radius are set on fire and will flee from you. If you are a vampire, the blast will actually also harm and can potentially kill you. Undead killed by the explosion's fire will disintegrate upon death leaving behind an ash pile instead of a corpse. Light emanates from Dawnbreaker's cross-guard, an effect that is particularly pronounced in nighttime hours or in dungeons without illumination.
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Skyrim Daedric Quests
Related Quests[edit]
- The Break of Dawn: Find Meridia's Beacon and use its light to cleanse her temple of undead.

- Hitting a civilian with the explosion counts as assault.
- Dawnbreaker makes for a good weapon against vampires. On top of being very weak against fire, they are also considered undead, therefore they are affected by the fiery explosion.
- If you are playing as a vampire when the explosion occurs you will be affected by it and gain the active effect, Meridia's Retribution.
- The fiery explosion has the same visual effect and functions the same way as the Bane of the Undead spell.
- The description is slightly misleading, in that it is not necessary for Dawnbreaker to actually deliver the killing blow to an enemy for the explosion to trigger: as long as the target has been hit by Dawnbreaker within 10 seconds before it dies, it may still explode.
- The explosion effect has a tendency to knock items around, so players should be mindful of this in dungeons, especially with smaller items like rings. At the same time, this can also cause soul gems being used for spellcaster traps to be dislodged from their position, effectively disarming the trap.
- The enchantment of this weapon is increased if you have the Augmented Flames perk. The fire damage is increased to 12 if you have the first perk and 15 if you have both the perks.
- For historical information, see the lore article.

- Though it can be tempered with an ebony ingot, it is not classified as an ebony weapon, nor is it classified as any other standard weapon material. Therefore, its upgrades do not benefit from any smithing perks, and, without a Fortify Smithing effect, it can only be tempered to Flawless quality.
- This issue has been addressed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; it now benefits from Daedric Smithing.
- Due to a bug in the related quest, you may gain two Dawnbreakers by using an area-of-effect spell to dislodge it from its pedestal. See this page for details.
- This bug is fixed by version 3.0.13 of the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.
- This bug is also fixed by version 4.1.3 of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.
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Skyrim Daedric Artifacts Mod